Miron Grindea
An unhoped-for Christmas offering — 500 pages of unknown Proustiana, recently ex-
humed and deciphered with expertise and love by Professor Henri Bonnet. No longer will only those few admitted into the Bibliotheque Nationale Ms Room (I was once) gaze at this eventful discovery, Matinee chez la Princesse de Guermantes, Cahiers du Temps retrouve (Gallimard); thousands of Proustian addicts throughout the world will sharpen their minds unravell- ing these fascinating additions to the Recherche. Among other joys in 1982, Aharon Appelfeld's haunting novel Badenheim (Dent), a masterpiece, and Graham Greene's rejuvenating Monsignor Quixote (Bodley Head), effervescently sus-
tained dialogue (Christian-Marxist), endearing therapy, even if tempting one to apostasy ...