18 DECEMBER 1982, Page 53

eg Chess ae rte Teasers

a Raymond Keene

This week a small chess brain and

Memory teaser to keep readers alert :er the Christmas period, after all that key and Christmas pudding. For the "itir Most complete sets of answers to reach.

:at the Spectator by 7 January B. T. ate sford have generously agreed to donate ?I' books: a copy of the new Batsford Chess Openings by myself and Gary Parov; one Encyclopaedia of Middle- 101(ne Combinations by Matanovic; and two my books on the conflict-ridden 1978 world championship between Korchnoi and grPov.

11,his position arose in the game Schneider- al, from the Lucerne Olympiad. White, to dove, played I g3, and went on to lose. Many experts there felt that he had a much tronger continuation. What do you think?

) Which James Bond film features a chess 4111e in the opening sequence? Can you I4entify the actual tournament game on which this was based? (Difficult) 3) Which player has: a) withdrawn from two Candidates' matches? b) withdrawn from one Candidates' tournament?

Name k, , the two Finnish Grandmasters.

,5) Who played the leading roles of the 'lack Queen and the White King in the film 4 the ballet Checkmate and who wrote the kusic for it?

6) During which 19th century world cham- knship match did the players refresh themselves during the game with brandy and champagne? (Difficult)

7) What did Leonid do for Igor and Bella?

l) How many chess openings are named after animals (of any sort, mythical or Nherwise), and what are they? (Flexible spellings allowed!) 9) Who is reputed to have said of whom:

The author of a handbook and some devilish bad games of chess'? 10) After what chess piece was Bobby Fischer's mother named?

11) Which player holds the record for the largest number of first prizes in the British Championship?

12) What move delivered mate in the Evergreen and the Immortal?

13) Since the World Chess Federation was founded in 1924, Fide presidents have come from only four countries. What are these countries?

14) What was the score in the 1921 World Championship match between Lasker and Capablanca?

15) Who won the play-off for the Can- didates' Tournament in 1950?

16) What was Bronstein's connection with Lenin?

Korchnoi and Timman have just drawn a six-game match in Holland. More news of this later, but meanwhile, here is Timman's win.

Timman — Korchnoi: 9 December 1982, English Opening.

1c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6 3 Nf3 Bb4 4 Qc2 0-0 5 a3 Bxc3 6 Qxc3 b6 7 e3 Bb7 8 b4 d6 9 Bbl Nbd7 10 Be2 Qe7 11 0-0 Rfc8 12 d4 c5 13 dxc5 bxc5 14 b5 e5 15 a4 Qe6 16 a5 Rab8 17 Rfdl 116 18 Nd2 Ba8 19 Qc2 Nf8 20 Nfl Ng6 21 Ng3 Nh4 22 Bf 1 d5 23 cxd5 BxdS 24 Ra3 c4 25 e4 Ba8 26 Rc3 RxbS 27 Bxc4 Black resigned.

Korchnoi had been intending 27 ... Rxb2 28 Qxb2 Rxc4, and, indeed, had picked up his R to play this before resigning. However, 27 ... Rxb2, in fact, fails dismally to 28 Bxe6 Rxc2 29 Rxc8 + Rxc8 30 Bxc8 when White wins easily.