18 DECEMBER 1982, Page 56

Books Wanted

GIVE HIM TO THE ANGELS by Harry Greb. J. Bernard, c/o The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1.

PAXTON AND THE BACHELOR DUKE by Violet Markham and any work by Edith Whar- ton. C. Hodson, Stoney Hall, Hannington, Hants RG26 5TX.

E. F. BENSON 'Lucia in Trouble' and `Mapp and Lucia' (Penguin 1970), G. Hodgins, Sum- merville, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Eire.

THE HUCKSTERS by Frederick Wakeman. Clark, 74 Osborne Villas, Hove, East Sussex. THE WORLD CRISIS by Winston Churchill. First edition of volume 6 only. M. Beaumont, 8 Grafton Square, London SW4 ODE. JOURNAL, several volumes, by Leon Bloy. Fer- nando Bauza, 18 Crooked Bridge Rd, Stafford, STI6 3NE: HAMMOND INNES: 'The Conquistadors'. Loidi, Carretera de Bandama 60, Monte Coello, Las Palmas, Canary Is.

EDWARD THOMPSON: 'An Indian Day' and 'A Season in Senji' by J. L. Carr. Fairclough, Rose Cottage, Huish Champflower, Taunton, Somerset.

PILOT'S SUMMER by F. D. Tredrey (Duckworth 1938-9), any condition. J. R. Buckenham, 69 White Lodge Close, Sutton, Sur- rey. Tel: 01-222 8111.

KAREL CAPEK: 'Fairy Tales'. S. G. P. Dennis, 60 St John's Park, Blackheath, London SE3. OLD SOLDIERS NEVER DIE by Frank Richards. D. S. Middleditch, 11 Clifton Terrace, Winchester, Hants.

HESTER LILLY AND OTHER STORIES by Elizabeth Taylor and the 'Plays and Poems' of William Cartwright (ed. G. B. Evans 1951). J. F. Maule, 12 Chilswell Rd, Oxford.

ANNIE HORE: To Lake Tanganyika in a Bath Chair'. Write to J. E. Markham, 259 Goldhurst Terrace, London NW6 3EP.

LITTLE WORLD by Douglas Fisher (Syvan Press 1947) and 'Texas Towns' by Fred Massengill, published by the author at Terrell, Texas, 1936. John Forster, Rose Cottage, Grandborough, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 8DQ.

ENGLISH PATRIOTIC POETRY ed. Godwin Salt (C.U.P. 1911) and 'England in Poetry' ed. Kenneth Young (Stacey 1974). Winston, c/o 2 Bodgara Way, Liskeard, Cornwall.

THE ADVENTURE OF THE AMETHYST by Cecily Hallack (Burns and Oates) and 'A Book of Unlikely Saints' by Margaret T. Moriro (Longman). M. Cave, 4 Arundale Avenue, Man- chester 16.

MARTHA GELLHORN: 'The Wine of Astonishment' and 'Liana'. Also 'The Other Paris' by Mavis Gallant. Carla Heffner, '7 Heathview Gardens, London SW15. Tel: 01-788 4912.


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