18 DECEMBER 1982, Page 56

Portrait of the week

The State Department in Washington refused to confirm that an American air base at Daws Hill, Buckinghamshire, would be used as a command headquarters in time of war, but indicated that an alter- native to the present European. HQ in Stut- tgart had been under consideration for some time. Mr Shultz admitted that 'certain elements of administration' might be mov- ed to Britain. A proposal from Russia that it would reduce its intermediate-range missile force by more than half if the US cancelled its new missile programme in Europe elicited a negative response from President Reagan, still standing by his 'zero option'; but the British government did not reject the idea out of hand. Russia voted at the United Nations, together with 118 other countries, in favour of a nuclear `freeze'; the US and most NATO countries voted against. Mr Reagan said he would consider alternative plans for the MX missile after it was disclosed that three of the Joint Chiefs of Staff opposed the 'dense pack' forma- tion. At Greenham. Common, Berkshire, about 20,000 women encircled the base where American Cruise missiles are to be sited from December next year. Later a few hundred took 'non-violent direct action' to try and block entry to the base.

South African forces attacked buildings in Maseru, Lesotho (Basutoland), killing several civilians and about 30 members of the African National Congress, variously described as 'terrorists' and 'refugees'. King Moshoeshoe II of Lesotho went to New York to tell the UN about it. General Jaruzelski announced the 'suspension' of martial law in Poland; most restrictions, however, will remain. In Nicaragua, 75 children were killed when a helicopter crashed, possibly shot down by right-wing guerrillas. In France, the Minister for Cooperation and Development, M. Cot, was replaced, having upset several African states by paying too much attention to human rights. The Zimbabwean dollar was devalued by 20 per cent, the Kenyan shilling by 13 per cent. In New York, General Sharon, Israel's Defence Minister, said that Jews should feel no guilt over the massacre of Palestinians in Beirut last September. Elizabeth Taylor, the ageing Jewish actress, said she intended to play a peacekeeping role in the Middle East by talking to Mr Begin and President Gemayel.

Mr Nott gave some satisfaction to the Navy by agreeing to the provision of new ships and aircraft, adding four Type 22 frigates to replace ships lost in the South Atlantic. Invincible, Fearless, Intrepid and Endurance are to be kept in service, but Chatham dockyard will not be reprieved. The 'Irish National Liberation Army threatened 'merciless' retaliation for shooting by Ulster police of two men on' Republican housing estate in Armagh. 1.13,r ing been denied the chance to meet Mr

Livingstone in London, Sinn Fein leaders invited the leader of the Greater London

Council to Belfast. He was censured bY his council, the Trotskyist Militant TerideeeY rebuked him for failing to support the united working-class struggle in Northeron t Ireland, but Mr Wedgwood Berm continued speak well of him. An open verdict wasi. recorded at the inquest into the death c). Helen Smith in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, ',at 1979. Her father said he would not Per ad her body to be buried until he ha discovered how she died, and the Foreig.„11 Office said it was willing to cooperate in any further inquiry. Following rece„ile criticism of some judges for not taking rape seriously enough, the Lord Chancellor ga,; instructions that such cases should be trio; only by senior judges. Sir Derek RaYillrreie resigned from his post as the PrrTvil Minister's adviser on efficiency in the Service. The number of redundancies all; nounced by British Steel rose to 5,200 hill' past two weeks.

Two Russians landed in Kazakhstan afire; spending 211 days in space. Two trains

derailed in England: one in Bedfordshr; the other in Hampshire. When two gorlin:n. invaded an old people's home in south Lse don their purpose was frustrated beeatitte they could not communicate with residents, who were listening to time. Wogan with their hearing aids at the 'in) The Social Democratic Party decideuoc have a 'relaunch' next month, and the decided to broadcast some of its radioPrd grammes for secondary schools in the On

spt., dle of the night.