On Wednesday, Colonel King-Harman and Mr. Herbert Gladstone both spoke.
The former showed that the Parnellite talk about conciliation and union of hearts is chiefly kept for consumption in Great Britain, while in Ireland the old style of invective is as popular as ever. A Parnellite Member had said apologetically the other day, in addressing a National League meeting, that he had recently been speaking so much in England, and saying so much about conciliation, that he hardly knew how to address a National League meeting. Mr. Herbert Gladstone, who was as mild almost as Sir George Trevelyan, except that he declared Mr. Balfour to be " the last and only hope of the worst landlords in Ireland," and described some Irish landlords, the minority, as committing " hideous crimes," never- theless apologised for the "Plan of Campaign," which he did not pretend to justify, because it was an effective weapon, and reproached Lord Hartington for having promised Ireland local self-government before the General Election, and now drawing back from his position. Sir W. Barttelot, who in his reply to Mr. Herbert Gladstone got into a vehement personal squabble with Mr. E. Harrington as to the connection between the National League and the murders in Kerry, in which the Speaker declined to interfere, closed the debate for the day without much advancing the argument.