18 FEBRUARY 1888, page 3

Mr. Finlay Replied To Mr. O'brien In A Manly But

unre- markable speech ; and no great speech was made till the Attorney- General rose, later in the evening, and remarked, with some irony, that Sir George Trevelyan had......

A Memorial To The Late Archbishop Of Dublin, Dr. Trench,—

a beautiful poet, though hardly more than a minor poet, amongst his other distinctions,—has been set on foot by a very influential committee, of which a multitude of Bishops and......

No Intelligence Of Interest Is Reported From Eastern...

Russian Government is not moving, publicly at least, in Bulgarian matters, but is steadily increasing its preparations in Poland and the West generally. According to the Sreuz......

Do Radicals Really Think That It Will Never Be Necessary

or expedient for this country to enter into a secret treaty ? At all events, Mr. Laboachere thinks so, for he keeps worrying Sir J. Fergusson as to a Treaty about Italy ; and on......

The Extreme Radicals And The Irish On Monday Got Up

a demonstration in London, in honour of the release of Mr. T. D. Sullivan and other Irish Members imprisoned for defying the law. They were met at the Euston Square Station by a......


The Bulletins From San Remo Tell The Public As Little

as ever, their whole meaning being that the Crown Prince has not suffered greatly from the operation of tracheotomy. It was not expected that he would suffer from that, the true......

Sheriff Fraser And Mr. Mcneill, The Commissioners...

to inquire into the condition of the crofters of Lewis, have presented their report, which is full of grave appre- hension. The number of the people has increased from seven-......