No intelligence of interest is reported from Eastern Europe. The
Russian Government is not moving, publicly at least, in Bulgarian matters, but is steadily increasing its preparations in Poland and the West generally. According to the Sreuz Zeitung, it has now 200,000 men in the Western and South- Western governments more than usual, and, in fact, has cantoned there half-a-million of effectives. That means, of course, that war is either intended or dreaded ; but it does not settle which. The Liverpool Post quotes an officer despatched by the British Government to inquire on the spot, as saying that he found the entire frontier, on both sides, looking like a territory in which war had been declared. The Germans and Austrians together have 280,000 men ready at a signal, and the Russians, besides collecting troops, have set up wooden watch-towers all along the frontier communicating with each other. All this while, however, the three Emperors are preaching peace and paying courtesies to each other, and of new cause for war there is absolutely none. Some event is clearly expected, but what it is no one knows, and still, as has been the case for months, the great financiers do not expect war.