The Education Of Girls.
To THE EDITOR Or THR " srzeriroz.•rj SIR,—Your remarks on girls' modern education and the way in which proper exercise is overlooked, is a most cheering phenomenon to those who......
Letters To The Editor.
AN ANGLICAN " MISSION " TO CONVERT ITALY. [To THE EDITOR Or TIER " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I am very far from wishing to controvert the opinions which you have expressed on the......
Elementary Education.
[To THR EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR- " ] Sia,—Thanks are due to Mr. Quick for his insistance upon one main point of the indictment against the present system of elementary......
Home Colonisation.
A T a time when there is so much useless talk about the unemployed, and so much unwise charity, one feels grateful to any one who, like Mr. Mills, tries to strike out some......