[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sui,—I have just read
with great interest the article by Dr. Thomas on "Sixth Forms and The Spectator." Actually the title rather annoyed me, why Sixth Forms ? Perhaps Dr. Thomas has got rather a low opinion of English brains ? Personally, though I am only in a lower Fifth Form and a girl (for Dr. Thomas' article seems only to apply to boys) I am glad to be able to . say that The Spectator is not above me, and I enjoy reading the articles and especially the corre- spondence columns., Until I first had The Spectator. pointed out to me I admit, Dr. Thomas says, that my interest was only in sporting pages and startling events. But now, I realise that by reading The Spectator I can get posted in current events and news which, after all, are more worth while. Therefore, may I wish Dr. Thomas' idea success and perhaps by the time I am in a Sixth Form it will be the ordinary way of education?