The Question I Asked In This Column A Few Weeks
ago, whether Sir Henry Chilton, the British Ambassador accredited to Madrid, really referred to the Spanish Republicans as " Reds " in an interview with the Daily Mail, has been......
Someone Has Been Showing Me An Interesting Booklet By Lenin
called "Left Wing" Communism. What is most interesting about it is the dedication, which runs as follows : " I dedicate this pamphlet to the Right Honourable Mr. Lloyd George as......
I Hear That One British Manufacturing Firm Whose Name Is
a household word decided this week that no more of a particular article which the firm habitually imports from Japan in considerable quantities should be obtained from......
A Spectator's Notebook
S IR ARCHIBALD SINCLAIR'S note of warning about the tendency to talk compulsion, even if it is only com- pulsion for labour service, in this country is certainly not......
The Home Secretary, In His Address To The Howard League
on Tuesday, spoke of the rebuilding of some of our older prisons as one of the aims he had in view, though he added, not surprisingly, that the Chancellor of the Exchequer was a......
The Danger Of Typhoid
T HE report of the expert commission, presided over by Mr. H. L. Murphy, K.C., on the outbreak of typhoid fever at Croydon in October and November last is an instructive but......