This Was Germany Letters Of Princess Marie Radziwill
This boo:. (Murray, 15s.) consists • of an admirable, seriesef, letters from a Frenchwoman in the van of Berlin society to General Di Robilant, one time Italian Military Attache......
Small Yacht Cruising By Francis Cooke
Mr. Francis Cooke has for many years been an authority. en. sailing. .His. latest Zook (Arnold, _ t5s.) is confined to the kind of cruising which one enjoys in a......
Current Literature
KINGS AND KNAVES IN THE CAM4RO0NS By Andre IVIikhelson Andre Mikhelson, for reasons best known to himself, has cast his new book (Putnam, los. 6d.) in the form of a......
Sappho Of Lesbos By Margaret Goldsmith
To her biographies of Frederick the Great, John the Baptist and Florence Nightingale Miss Goldsmith now adds one of Sappho (Rich and Cowan, os. 6d.). It is not indeed . a......
The Mind' Of The Ancient .- World By Hz Ist: Wethered
- This .- book -: (Longmans, I2S. 6d.), ;In spite of its. tide, is tor so much -a cnn- sideration of the mind:of the Ancient - World as Of One of iti most able and comprehensive......