Mr. Francis Cooke has for many years been an authority. en. sailing. .His. latest Zook (Arnold, _ t5s.) is confined to the kind of cruising which one enjoys in a 4- or 5-tonner, either alone or with one or two friends. Small Yacht Cruising covers every con- ceivable -side Of the subject- from the convetsioill building, or buying of a yacht to the equipment of its -t dinghy. Subjects apparently banal but in practice often very pressing, such as clothing, catering and cooking, are dealt with sensibly and in detail. - -The chapters on Insurance and Laying Up and. Fitting Out are particularly useful. The more experienced yachtsman will find most interest in Mr. Cooke's treatment of some modern designs, for he carefully
• discusses SiZ representative small cruisers of recent build, and gives full plans and lines. Another feature of the book to be retomtnended is a detailed descrip- tion with plans, of various creeks and . harbours_ on the East Coast, from the
• Week-end. yachtsman's point of view.