2. This animal is mostly an essentially absurd statement. to. This kind of freedom makes a severe demand.
If. rev. See 29. 16. Place partly built by violent anger.
17. See 22.
18. Within any a large piece of wood.
19. rev. "The boy hath sold him a bargain, a goose, . . . 's flat."
21. Places of abode that would suit all of us !
22. with 17. Helps to get a Com- plete wash out.
23. To a novice (snag.).
26. My first is unchecked in 2, my second in 9.
27. The age for wooden shoes. 29. with 15. American State.
30. rev. This party may be un- scrupulous but it shows an exertion of energy.
Same time of day whichever way you look at it.
rev. Portrait.
Part of anatomy much in evidence.
r. This bird represents a dog as a pig.
3. Curiously enough this faith- ful friend cherishes ill-will.
4. Small undulating loaf?
5. FM. Town famous sausage.
6. Vowels.
7. rev. " . s not to makereply."
8. rev. This feldspar must be hard to get! 9. These horses are hard to get to work at first. it. Easily bowled over ?
12. A wise fowl.
13. Walnuts.
14. Assessment. 20. rev. Quinsy.
24. This kind of glory is not praiseworthy.
25. rev. A dolt has this kind of a head.
28. rev. This kind of stone is not fishy.
32. Strum to this and you create frenzy. 32. Am after a set of players. for