18 JANUARY 1890, Page 1

The little King of Spain has been pronounced convalescent. He

has not a good constitution, and he was terribly ill ; but children have a marvellous power of recuperation, and he may yet recover strength. Every year of his life is an advantage to Spain, for the people are resolute not to rebel while he lives, and his mother makes an excellent head of the State. Republicans, of course, quote the importance thus attached to a baby's life as proof of the inherent absurdity of Monarchy ; but is it not also proof of the inherent strength of the insti- tution which survives an interregnum so easily P The Minis- terial crisis, suspended for the moment by the crisis in the Palace, will now revive ; but the Monarchical Liberals have received a serious warning, and will for a time cling much more closely together. It is the fiscal question which divides them most seriously, and that can be postponed, though even a postponement of Protection makes Catalonia furious, and irritates that large class which believes that with heavy duties on imports the Treasury would be always full. Nothing more has yet been said of Senor Sagasta's project of universal suffrage ; but nothing would be said until the Ministry has been reformed.