Mr. T. C. Baring, Who Took The Chair At A
Unionist meeting at Stratford on Wednesday evening, expressed a hope, in which we cannot see our way to concur, that when the Home-rule question is settled by the united action......
We Regret Exceedingly To Record The Death Of Mr. Craig-
Senor, Member for the Partick District of Lanarkshire, and adviser to the Liberal Unionists of Scotland. Mr. Craig- Seller was not exactly a statesman, but belonged rather to......
A Very Effective Letter, Signed " F.r.s.," In Wednesday's...
shows how extremely unlikely it is that the famous "muzzling order" which was adopted first in London at the end of 1885, produced what was called the "splendid suc- cess" of......
The Prussian Parliament Was Opened On Monday By A Message
from the throne, in which the King mentioned that the relations of Germany to foreign Powers were "on all sides good;" and promised many domestic reforms, such as the lightening......
• The Brazilian Revolution Has Not Been So Bloodless As
Mr. Gladstone imagined. No information is obtainable from Brazilian telegrams on the subject, but the testimony of American merchant captains proves that the rising in Rio on......
Bank Bate, 6 Per Cent New Consols (2d Were On
Friday 97i to 971.......
If The Statements Made This Week As To The Pressure
placed by the French peasantry upon their Deputies are true, France needs a great financier even more than Russia. The Govern- ment has to raise an immense loan in order to fund......
The Most Learned Of Catholic Theologians, Dr. John Joseph...
Dollinger, died yesterday week at Munich, at the great age of ninety ; indeed, in another seven weeks he would have completed his ninety-first year, for he wan born on February......