18 JANUARY 1890, page 1

Mr. Patrick Cumin, C.b., Secretary (i.e., The Permanent...

the Education Department of the Privy Council, died rather suddenly last Saturday, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. He was a very able administrator, whom Mr. Forster......

The Little King Of Spain Has Been Pronounced...

has not a good constitution, and he was terribly ill ; but children have a marvellous power of recuperation, and he may yet recover strength. Every year of his life is an......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. Bryce Is Losing His Impartiality Of Tone. His Speech

at Canterbury last Monday might almost have been delivered by Sir Walter Foster. He denied almost all obstruction on the part of the Opposition, except in the case of the Crimes......

The Populace Of Lisbon Is As Angry As The Populace

of Turin after Novara, and on Saturday broke the windows of the British Consulate, which has as much to do with the negotia- tions as any British wine-dealer in Portugal. The......

• And Title-page, I.e., From July 6th To December 28th,

1889, inclusive.......

News Of The Week T Ord Salisbitry Having Convinced, Himself

that the Government of Lisbon was playing fast and loose, either out of fear of the Republican Party, or because it could not control its Colonial agents, an ultimatum was on......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the" SPECTATOR" of Saturday, January 251h, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages .of which will be devoted to Advertisements.......