As regards torpedo craft, Mr. McKenna taxed Mr. Arthur Lee
with having forgotten the eight 'Scouts,' which were better than destroyers. These eight 'Scouts' had no corresponding vessels among the torpedo craft of either France or Germany. Mr. McKenna ended his speech by a declaration that it would be the aim of the Government to compose any differences which might exist in the Navy. He was bound to say that those differences appeared to him to be more emphasised in the Press than was in the least called for. They were differences which, in so far as the Government were concerned, rested upon un- verified rumour. He believed that they had already, in fact, given place to a more satisfactory condition of things. That is excellent news, and we trust not too optimistic. As to the allegation of Press exaggeration, we can only suggest that Mr. McKenna should endeavour to investigate and sift to the very bottom the circumstances under which the Press has played so unfortunately prominent a part in regard to naval- jealousies and controversies during the last few years.