[to Thy Editor Of Thz "spectator:1
SIR,—I have no desire to champion the professional money- lender, but observations made among the working classes of London have led me to the conclusion that the amateur usurer......
[to The Editor Of Irs "spectator."]
SIn, — My attention has been called to letters in your last two issues dealing with the problem of cheap credit and the pro- vision of banking facilities for the working......
Free-trade And Preferential Railway Rates.
150 THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—It is worthy of note that in none of the articles recently appearing in the Spectator on railway nationalisation has any serious attempt......
Small Loans For Poor People.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." J Sin,—As you attached sufficient importance to Mr. Batty's letter and to the article in the Economist on the popularisation of Consols to......
State Railways In Italy.
[TO THY EDITOR Or TEM "SPECTATOR." . 1 SIR,—In your article on "State Railways" in last week's issue I notice the following amazing statement :—" In Italy the State acquisition......