No Doubt We Might Be Able To Prevent A Rival
purchasin the Brazilian ships while they were still in our dockyards. but it would be impossible to forbid the sale after they had reached Brazilian waters. Might it not be......
On The Same Day In The Lords Lord Lansdowne Complained
that insufficient opportunity would be given to the House to examine the Bills which were to come before it. No doubt the abuse was of long standing, but it bad never been so......
Before Dealing With The Body Of Mr. Mckenna's Speech, We
may point out that he expressed want of any special informa- tion about the Brazilian ships ; but he assured Mr. Lee that the Government would watch the career of the ships with......
In Comparing Our Naval Force With That Of Germany, Mr.
Lee declared that in his opinion the end of 1911 was not the period of extreme significance. That period would be early in 1912. How should we stand at that date ? Germany would......
Mr. Lee Turned Next To What We Cannot Help Feeling
is a very serious question. There were, he declared, at present building in private yards in this country three vessels of the 'Dread- nought' class for Brazil. Past experience......
The Report By Mr. Ernest Ayes On Colonial Labour Legisla-
tion has been published this week. Mr. Ayes, who writes of Wages Boards and Conciliation and Arbitration Boards, utters a wholesome warning against arguing from the particular......
As Regards Torpedo Craft, Mr. Mckenna Taxed Mr. Arthur Lee
with having forgotten the eight 'Scouts,' which were better than destroyers. These eight 'Scouts' had no corresponding vessels among the torpedo craft of either France or......
In The Commons On Monday Mr. Arthur Lee Opened The
debate on the Navy Estimates. Our building Programme, he declared, was inadequate and indefensible from the point of view of the enormous financial burden it threw on succeeding......
We Have Dealt Elsewhere With Mr. Mckenna's Enunciation Of...
general principle that though the essential for thiS country is security, "absolute and complete security," it is mere waste to go one inch beyond it. We may note, however, his......