Mr. Lee turned next to what we cannot help feeling
is a very serious question. There were, he declared, at present building in private yards in this country three vessels of the 'Dread- nought' class for Brazil. Past experience showed that whereas Brazil had many ships built in this country, very few of them remained in her Navy to-day. Brazil was rather a speculator in warships, and if she had found this profitable in the past, why not in the future ? A sudden and unexpected addition of three 'Dreadnoughts' to the fighting strength of any first-class naval Power would completely upset the balance upon which our Shipbuilding Programme was framed. "It would be an interesting speculation to suggest what the ultimate destina- tion of those ships would be. He hoped the Government were watching the matter very closely, and that steps would be taken, not only by the Admiralty, but by the Foreign Office, to see that these ships would not fall into the hands of any Power less friendly or more formidable than the great South American Republic."