18 JUNE 1892, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—If you think this little anecdote of canine friendliness worthy of the Spectator, will you insert it for me ? Last week a sick dog took up its abode in the field behind our house, and after seeing the poor thing lying there for some time, I took it food and milk-and-water. The next day it was still there, and when I was going out to feed it, I saw that a small pug was running about it, so I took a whip out with me to drive it away. The pug planted itself between me and the sick dog, and barked at me savagely, but at last I drove it away, and again gave food and milk-and-water to my prokg4. The little pug watched me for a few moments, and as soon as he felt quite assured that my intentions towards the sick dog were friendly, it ran to me wagging its tail, leapt up to my shoulder, and licked my face and hands, nor would it touch the water till the invalid bad had all it wanted. I suppose that it was satisfied that its companion was in good hands, for it trotted happily away, and did not appear upon the scene again.—I am, Sir, &c., VIOLET DAVIES. Ingoldesthorpe, Eastbourne, June 15th.