18 JUNE 1892, page 27

Lays And Legends. Second Series. By E. Nesbit (mrs. Hu-

bert Bland). (Longmans.) —Mrs. Bland, who writes, we believe, generally under her maiden name, has a note of song that is always pleasing, and sometimes highly suggestive. Her......

Guide - Souvenir De Florence Et Pays Environnants. Par Le...

Marcotti. (G. Barbera, Florence.)—In publishing Dr. lletarcotti's Guide - Souvenir, the Florentine editor, Signor G. Barbera, has laid travellers under a great obligation, for......

The Remains Of Ancient Rome. By J. Henry Middleton. 2

vols. (Adam and Charles Black.)—In 1883, and again in 1888, Professor Middleton published bcoks on the remains of Ancient Rome. He has put these together, adding other matter,......

Memoirs Of The Prince De Talleyrand. With A Preface By

the Duc de Broglie. Translated by Mrs. Angus Hall. Vol. V. (Griffith, Farran, and Co.)—This volume concludes, not much, we fancy, to the regret of the public, the Talleyrand......

The Convict King : Being The Life And Adventures Of

.Torgen Jorgen- son. Retold by James Francis Hogan. (Ward and Downey.)— Jorgen Jorgenson was born in Copenhagen in 1780. He went to sea, and had various adventures in......

Good English For Beginners. By Thomas J. Haslam....

and Co.)—Mr. Haslam counsels students to gain a good English style by the old-fashioned and familiar methods of "Verbal Blank-filling," "Easy Variations," "Paraphrase,"......