18 JUNE 1892, page 1

News Of The Week.

p ARLIAMENT is hurrying through business at racing- speed. All the Estimates have been passed practically un- challenged, even thehish Estimates being voted in a singlenigb t.......

There Was A Delightful Interview On Thursday Between Mr....

and a deputation of the London Trades Council, on the subject of the Eight-Hours Bill. The deputation entered the room quite sure that, as one of them frankly avowed, they could......

The Unexpected Happened At Minneapolis On Friday Week....

distrust always felt towards Mr. Blaine suddenly mani- fested itself, hundreds of the delegates upon whom he had relied bolted, and President Harrison was nominated at the first......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


It Is Interesting To Note How Large The Influence Is

whigh still remains to Kings. We all perceive the authority of the Emperor of Germany, far in excess of his constitutional power; and the Emperor of Austria is not only the......

This Was The Pith Of The Interview, But It Included

a frank Socratic discussion of the Eight-Hours Bill, in which the deputation suffered terribly. The representa- tive workmen were children, babies, in Mr. Gladstone's hands.......