Arrived—At Gravesend, March 1411,. Royal George. Wilson, from Bombay ; Se- nator. Grindley Carribean, Irving; and Thames. Arnold, from Mauritius. Off Ha-dings, Sovereign. Campbell. from ditto. Off Dartmouth. 15th, Ana"ttstus, Carr. from Bengali. Off Plymouth, Raj. Rance, Phillips, from ditto. At Brisbul, 9th, Sr. hella, Knowles, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, !hit, Alexander, Ramsey ; null Ann, NVAlpine, from Bengal ; Inca, llarrison, from Manilla; 1301, Medina, tireig ; and Emetald, Crawford, from Mauritius. At St. Helena, J4II. 211111, Stirling. Burnett, from ditto; Laurenee. Gill, from Bengal ; and Princess Charlotte, Kiug, from Bembay. At Van Diemen's Land, Avoca, Waffle; Eudora, Addison ; Duke of York, Morgan; . Amelia, Thompson: Tomlinson.— ; Lord Lyndoeb. Baker ; and Arabian. Cams, from London; Hope. M'Callam ; and Gulnare, Henderson, from Liverpool ; and U11111DOW. Ine, from Leith. At New South Wales, Red Rover, Currie; Lady Kennaway, 1/1%iS011; El izabeth, Austin ; Ilooghev, :Bailey ; Countess Durham. Todd ; It un ay- mede' Wildridge ; Lord Goderich ; Medora ; thought, ; Ciorinda; Craigeser, all from Loudon. Goshawk. Laing; and Lally Mary Pelham, tress. iron Liverpool. Sailed—From Gravesend, March 1211,, Parsee, M.Kellar; and 14t1t, Adelaide, Guthrie, for Bengal ; 15th, Hindostan, Redman, or Madras; 16111, Sir E. Paget. for do. ; Rosalind. ('much, fur China; arel Bengal, Wilson. fur Bengal. From Liver- pool, Jessie Logan. Black ; amid Huddersfield. Hall, for Bombay.