Roberts's Spanish Sketch's.
SPAIN, so rich in the picturesque and romantic, is a fertile soil for the painters, who having well nigh exhausted the beauties of Italy and Switzerland, are now leaving the......
New Editions.
Those of any consequence are two. I. A second edition, en- larged and almost rewritten, of MACNISH'S Introduction to Phre- nology ; which is certainly plain enough, but from the......
Harding's Drawing - Book.
HARDING is indefatigable in following up his successful career As a lithographer. His large book of Sketches and his pretty little Port. folio Intke not prevented him from......
Fin E Arts.
SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTS. THE Exhibition of this Society opens to the public on Monday, at their Gallery in Suffolk Street. The private view is to-day; which being too late......
Classical Literature.
P. Terentii Afri Comedite Sex. With Explanatory Notes, by D. B. Deem, LL.D. The Antiquities qf Greece. By JOIIN POTTER, D.D. 117th Notes and Improved Indices, by JAMES BOYD,......