Mr. O'connell Complained To The House Of' Comtnons, On...
day, that in the Times of Satutday a speech on Spanish affairs had been attributed to him, of which he never uttered a word. He was made to talk about the "voluptuous form " and......
At The Alansionhouse, On Wednesday, A Man Named Kearney Was
examined on a charge of stabbing Mr. Loch, Deputy Chairman of the East India Company, with intent to kill bitn. It appeered that Kearney had been or fancied himself ill-used by......
The Duke Of Roxburgh Has Been Elected A Member Of
Brookes's Club. The Whigs will do their best to keep his juvenileGruce inclose keeping. The death of a Dean of Bristol, at Torquay, last week, in his eighty- seventh year, leis......
Ebe Countin. An Active Canvass Is Going On At Lewes,
to supply the vacancy which will be occasioned by Mr. Kemp's ietended retirement. Mr. John Easthope, formed) . Member for St. Alban's, having been in- vited by pearly 200......
Births, Aiahhiages, Anli Deaths. Iiir'fils.
On the :lilt inst., at Duddingston House, N.B., Duly IlAllalltT IIAILLIE of u t•on. On the Ilth inst., at Kensington, the Lady Ds 1,'Isr.s awl Donny, of n On the 12th inst. ,......