Mr. O'Connell complained to the House of' Comtnons, on !ties-
day, that in the Times of Satutday a speech on Spanish affairs had been attributed to him, of which he never uttered a word. He was made to talk about the "voluptuous form " and the " voluptuous pros pensities " of the Queen Regent of Spain, and in a very abusive style of the King of the French. He expseted, he said, that this fabricated speeelt would be quoted against him by the Times some day. In this
instuece, however, the Leading Journal has made a modest apology, arid referred the matter to the reporter ; who explained that his notes
having become accidentally defaced in his road from the House of Com- mutts to the Times office, he had made a speech for Mr. O'Connell from niemen•y ; and he really thought he had heard Mr. O'Connell say something about "voluptuous."
At the meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, on Monday
evening, the murder of Mr. Davidson, on his way to Titubuctoo, was mentioned. The intelligence came in letters of the 15th of February, received the previous morning at the Foreign Office from the British Vice-Cortsul, Mr. IVillshire. It appears from the letter read to the Society, that the murder was committed on the 12th or 13th of Decem-
ber, El Ilarib tribe, at about twenty-five days' journey from
From Lyons the accounts received in Paris are of a most melancholy
character. It is not the silk trade only that suffers: a great menu- fru:over is stated to have said at the Chamber of Deputies. Oil Tues- day, that within forty years the woollen manufactures of France had never been in so deplorable a state as at present.