18 MARCH 1837, Page 9



The English Stock Market, which was very firm in the early part of the week, has since given way about per cent 'This decline is apt ibuted by the far seeing wisdom of 'Change to the division upon the Church-rate Bill ! In the course of Tuesday afternoon, tumours as to the weakness of the Ministry upn this particular question were rife ; and on Wednesday it was generally believed that the majority wonld not exceed 30. Some wales of Stuck were consequently made, in anticipation ; which the non ket has not yet recovered. The usual half-yearly meeting of the Batik Proprietary took 'dace yesterday ; when a dividend of 4 per. cent for the half-year was declared. The only thing worthy of notice was the announcement that the " rest" or balance had in. creased It)0,000L since the last sneering, and that the Bank had, uot effected any sale of any portion of the Dead-weight.

We have advice% froin New York to the 20th February, nine days later than those noticed in our last paper. Money was still in gi eat demand, and com- mercial pressme hail increased. The exchange had not, however, declined, but was quoted at 1101q ; while for first-rate bills 110 had been obtained. This was the highest rate cited by the last packet. In the Fateign Market, the Dutch and oilier European Stocks have flattened a little, in consequence of the decline of the Consols.

Brazilian Stock is higher, and the Bonds scarce.

The intelligence received from Spain has given an upward impulse ta Spanish Stock, The Active Bonds, which closed on Wednesday at :hi}, were yesterday as high as 274: to.day, however, in the absance of a continuance if the favourable stews, the pi ice bas receded 1 per cent. ; but has again recovered to nearly its highest quotation, upon some extensive and influential purchases, 'f lie Portuguese Bonds have also improved, from sympathy with the Spanish. TI,e Shan. irket is very heavy ; and most of the share' have ceeoded in the low prices at which they were previouf to the improvement whie:t tac noticed last week. The horsiness transacted lion been upon a very

trifling Mid lilies not offer any subject for 1C1117111:.

SAT0111,‘,, TWElVE 0.C/.0111E.

lilt' ih:u'Iil Ition of the Consul Market has heed tt tiling, and the husinese trans te'el unimportant, The opening price for Account was 90.k. nellets, hut the pre.ent quotation is 90I 4. in the Foreign Mal ket, the II 'I have beet; chiefly eunfiued to Spanish Stuck. At the commeacement of business the Active was 276 i ; but a disposition to sell being evinced by one or two leading bickers, the price declined to 276 i, and is now 276 a. The Railway Share Markets are very heavy ; the pressure for moneyat Liverpool and Manchester being very great, and thus forcing sales of the prin- cipal varieties held by the Lancashire speculators both there and in our market. London and Birmingham, which were last week at 35 prem., have been to-day at 22/., and may be quoted at 22 to 24/. ; Great Western, which were 7 to SI., are now 3 ta 41. prem. ; Southampton are 15/. die.; and

Greenwich 1/. prem. .


The Consol Market closes lower,—viz. 90h i for Account, and may be con- sidered heavy at that quotation In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been the chief object of attraction ; and after being at 27, the closing price is 276 2. The other Foreign Stocks are without material change.

The Railway Shares are rather firmer than in the morning. Birmingham, 23 to 25 prem. ; Great Western, 3 to 5 prem. ; Southampton, 15 to 14 die. ; Greenwich, 1 prem.

3 per Cent. Consols 90 Danish 3 per Cents. 75 76 Ditto for Account 901 1 Dutch 21 per Cents! 531 II atter Cent. Reduced shut Mexicau 6 per Cent 241 New 31 per Ceut Anus ex.div 981 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts 491 50 Batik Stock 20j 10 Ditto 3 per Cent. 34 1 India sto-k -- Ditto 5 per Cents 1936 Scrip. 521 53 Exclespier Bills 24 26 Prussian (1810 5 per Cect .. — Belgian 3 per Cents loile i Russian (1922)5 per Cent... 1071 8

Brazilian 5 per Ceuta 874 Spanish (1835)5 per Cent... 271 ft