18 MARCH 1837, Page 14


" The total amount of fines in the no of Durham on an net rage of three years, wli bib formed the basin of the Cover 'intent cahmlationn, was I 7,e001. per annum; but it had liven found that the income from fines in that see, on the average of three years, wan not 17,000/., but 23,000/. per annum, from whit.h 2.000/. might fait ly be deducted for the expenses of management ; so the in both these piiints the ease bad been entirely underrated, because the property of the see of Durham, instead of 17,000/., wan 21.0001. per annum, or 20.000/. exclusive of the expennes of management. That was the principle upon which the right reverend Prelate now tilling that see had returned his emoluments. Ile had no reason to suppose but that the other right revtreud Prelates would make their ratans in the same way; and therefore it was as clear its possible, that the amount of income returned both by the Bishops, as arising front the tines oa the renewals of Bishops' leases, and also by the Deans and niapters, was really stated at the net and not the gross ammmt."—Lord Ilou'ide's Speech in the church rate Debate.

We always suspected, that by some hocus-pocus the return made by the Bishops of' their incomes was below the mark—that by some jugglery they managed to keep out of the account the receipt of certain heavy tines; and the passage we have quoted above from Lord Ilowtcx's speech in reply to Sir ROBERT PEEL, confirms that opinion. The Bishop of Dunitam gave in his income from fines on an average of three years at 17,0001. per annum ; the gross income from that source turns out to be 23,000/. ; therefore, says Lord Howlett charitably, the Bishop must have deducted the charges of management. Chartres of management! what, 6,0001. out of 23,000/. a year for agoncy! No, that can never be. We happen to know that a noble estate of 36,000/. a year, almost the whole of which is in the diocese of Durham, is managed well for less than 700. a year. It' it be tate that other Bishops have made as large deductions as the Bishop of Duane:4 for charges of management, then the Episco- pal revenues must be Put down at 20 per cent. more than the right reverend but scarcely right honourable Prelates would lead us to reckon as their true value.