Piiip./..011 in Council; or the Opinions delivered by Bonaparte in the Connell of State. 1'r:instated from the French of Baron Pelet. (I it. La bemire.) Member of th.• Chamber of Deputies, and lute Minister of Public I ostruction. by Captain Posit hull. II.N II/titer; Codeli. Edinfmrgh. 11w II ighlawlers of Scotland, their Origin. Ilistory, and A to i uiltiw; with a Sketch of their Manners and Customs.. and an accoutd or the Clans 111i0 Nhint the: were Welded. awl of the State of Society which existed among them. lay William I'. F.S.A. Scot. In 2 vole Murray. STA.+ 'pries. SLetelt or the Commend l Itesoorres and Monetary and Mercantile System of British In La; with Suggestions for their Immurement. by means of Banking Establish SIWth uted Elder. Lu ttprm I,. the Right Illonotmilde I.ord Itrongham and Yam& ; presenting Rambling I mad. of a .r.mr through resurs., s%,iis,rlami. anti Italy ; %lilt mane Remarks
on Dome Ity Sir Arthur Brooke Faulkner. Author at" A Visit to Ger-
mem and the Low Countries," age. fce Mations. VIC'''. IR.
Pietitaa, or Captivity Captive. By N. De Sitintine. In 2 vols Colburs•