At length there is news of active operations by the
Queen's troops iu the in ighbourhood of St. Sebastian. On the 10th in- stant, General EVANS attacked the Carlist intrenchments on the heights, and took the fortification on the hill called Ametzagana; after some very severe fighting, in which he lost about five hun- dred men. On the 11th, SAARSFIELD encamped in the plain of human, with ten thousand men ; and on the night of the 11th, ESPARTERO entered Durango. Thus there appears to have been a simultaneous and combined movement of the Queen's forces. The result remains uncertain. It was expected that General EVANS would attack the main body of the Carlists on the 11th or 12th; but no aci.ounts of his movements subsequently to the 10th have been received in Paris; and the silence of the French official papers as to telegraphic despatches, has created uneasiness, and the fear that EVANS has met with a repulse. Lord Joitar HAY was on the field during the whole of the engagement on the 10th, and his Marines were actively employed. A considerable quantity of cannon has been landed from the British squadron at St. Jean-de-Luz. These authentic details prove that the re- port we copied in our second edition last week, from an evening paper, that a telegraphic despatch had been received by the French Government to the effect that SAARSFIELD had carried the Cellist positions, must have been a fabrication.