On the :lilt inst., at Duddingston House, N.B., Duly IlAllalltT IIAILLIE of u t•on. On the Ilth inst., at Kensington, the Lady Ds 1,'Isr.s awl Donny, of n On the 12th inst. , iii Bruton Street, the Lady of llensv enerisswoeter lU India ship Abington, of a daughter. ^,th inst , at Wracklefordhllouse, Dowel, the Hou. Mrs. HENRY Ammar. of a oltster. 0,3 the Igth list, at West Molesey. the Lady of GEORGIE BARROW, Ear., of a &lett 0„ the 110 not., the Lady of Greene Tvg arta.. Esq.. of Mortlake, ce a daughter. ou ,,,• 9 0 lust., at l'eutrepaut, Shropshire. the Lady of It. M. BOTTOM MAVRICE, In or Ana hear. o e1 I. hod.. it law/Wham. the Ludy of the Rev TOOT AI, of a SOT. On the lith inst., at Utley Rectory. !lents, the Lady of the Rev. A. II. 11111111ELL. of s
0 e I fh Sept., at Napean Bay, Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Mrs. W. II. MARRIAGES.
01, the Gilt inst.. at Anthnov. Coruwall. the lion. JOHN ARTHUR T.YsAGIIT, eldest „row It Lrla Hon lord 1.61e, to II vants-r-rA ANNE, fifth daughter of the late Joh., Esq or Bedford Place. N111100., 1.0tulott On the 911. at St. Mariites-inalle.Fields. the Rev. Iteursor BnOTHRY BEATH. tor T. C11411 oTTE SoytiRRy, second 11/111ZIller or the sate aawatat sot hetet. flu 8111 TIM • sit 01111111ore house. A res leshire, WILLIAM FRASER. EMI., Of Bill. to HELEN CO/4(1HOUR. eldest daughter or the late James Campbell, • nt 11.100 ore.
on ft.. 15 hi at., at Illehante Chinch. Mr. GEORGE CEnwes, of Parliament Street, to BARS. cliksi daughter or Mr. Charles Knight. of Highgate. Oa t i Is. Id October last. at Lima, HENRY Miss. of Callao, to SztiPli IA ELIEAs ▪ sl daughter of George 'I'. Sealv. Esti.. Itritialt Vice-Cuumil in that city. DEATHS.
On the :011 inst , at his seat at Demi- Hill. near Canterbury. General Sir HENRY T. ‘1,Ta, SOH. KJ% II. nod 0 r.11 . Colonel of the I It It Regiment of Foot. Ott the 10th hod.. at Illtrefiel(1 Park. Molar General sir It Esgy FRE/WHIM ('nuts C. LI' Ii .0.oly ircui iri brotlwr of the late Limit General sir George Cooke. K.('. It. Ou the lgth inst.. at Nen port, Isle Or Wight. Sir It IMIARD It Assert, for more than v errs a magistrate for ilie comity of ha HIS ill his 9th it ear. On 0 lilt, inst. at Chapel Street, Grosveuor Place, BERRY ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, Ds, hos or of the Margots o Qtleeusherry. on the 14111 inst , in Doke Street. St .1a nets's, WILLIAM PALGRAVE StmesoN, Esq., of the timer Temple. II; her at Law, in his 31st year. A the Viem age, Torville, Bucks, the Rev. GEORGE SCORILL, D.D., for many years iii,lr.'i I'm I lull COMM' (111111.110■11 hot., t *01100.00 the.Nose. WILTASSI FRANCO, BETTIE BEAUMONT, E.g., a Blickhlisl Court. Sorry, and Ditotnow. Essex. in his 29th year. Oa the 2611i alt., at Florence, or an organic disease (tithe heart, Lieut.-Genetal JOHN Loess Ou the lath inst.. suddenly of an affection or the heart, the Rev. FREDERICK GRANT, of Deans' Yard. Westminster. tu his 35th year. Oilist 901 inst.. at To quay, Dr. BEEK s. Dean of Hirstol, in his 97th year.
0,1 the 1 lth iiil.. at Ross, Herefordshire, MosEs FERNANDEZ. Esq, late of New Or. eon I street, in Id • 84111 sear.
on the Idth I at the house of his son. Camden Street, Camden Town, Dr. KEY, late of I ontimol street, in his 90th year. Ou the lit , at rastelnatt Plats% Mortlake. 3. I'. !toms AU, EMI., in his 91st year on ow 13th lust . at has Loilso Ileac Itotley, Hants, Jun FAWCETT, EMI, late of the Them e lto■ al, ('iii .1,1 taTIYI), on the 18th inst., at the house of his son. T. Wicksteed, Esq., of Oldford, JOHN WICESTEED. EMI late ot Shreasbury, in his 64alt year.