Referring to Lord Derby's menace of last night, the Times
oasts back a defiance; asks Lord Derby whether he remembers the transactions in which he and Lord Malmesbury thought fit to engage "with Russia, Austria, and Prussia, at the time of the accession of Louis Napoleon to the Imperial throne ?" leaves "these noble persons" to settle which of the members or adherents of the Derby Administration brought the cir- cumstances within the cognizance of the Times; and declares that it has shown more "forbearance" to Lord Derby than he deserved.
The following telegraphic despatch, dated "Vienna, Friday," via. the Hague, is from the second edition of the Morning Chronicle— "Despatches from St. Petersburg have arrived, stating that Russia rejects the ultimatisaiinum of the Western Powers.''
A telegraphic despatch from Constantinople, dated 9th March, states that on the 8th a four-hours conference was held between the British and French Ambassadors and Redschid Pasha, respecting the convention under negotiation between Turkey and the Western Powers. "The chief points are-1. The Porte engages never to negotiate with Russia without the intervention of the Western Powers. 2. Amelioration of the condition of the Christians. "A separate treaty is annexed, for the foriewingfour points—i. Abolition of the poll-tax. 2. Right of Christians to be admitted as witnesses in judi- cial proceedings. 3. Right to hold landed property without distinction of nationality or religion. 4. The civil rights of the Christians admitted in the army and the civil service. "The destination of the English and French forces is to be left to the decision of the Sultan."
According to a telegraphic despatch from Bucharest, of March 4, the Emperor Nicholas has published a manifesto making a direct appeal to insurrection in aid of his cause. He says- " The Sultan having persisted in his obstinate course, France and England are marching against Russia. We will go forth in the name of the Holy Trinity to free our fellow-believers from the yoke of the oppressors. Let the oppressed make common cause with us."
It is now said that the Greek insurrection "becomes very serious." The Paris correspondent of the Morning Post gives an instance of the di- rect intervention of British authority-
" At Prevesa, 2000 Arnauts declared themselves for the insurgents; but Captain Peel, (of the Diamond, 28-gun frigate, I believe,) immediately landed 100 blue-jackets and marines, and restored order. Grivas, the in- surgent chief, has appeared before Janina, and summoned the town to sur- render at the expiration of six days."
The Police at Cologne have been informed of the arrival of several waggon-loads of arms from Liege.
The Gazette of last night notifies these appointments- The Right Honourable Bertram Arthur Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, to be Vice-Admiral of the county of Chester. The Right Renewable Charles Anderson Woraley Auderson-Pelham, Earl of Yarborough, to be Vice-Admiral of the county of Lincoln.
The names of Dr. Hook and the Reverend Canon Hamilton have been mentioned in connexion with the vacant see of Salisbury. It is also mentioned that the Reverend John James Blunt, Margaret Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University, had declined the bishopric.
The Morning Pbst states that the vacant seat on the Bench has been offered to Sir Frederick Thesiger ; who, while gratified at the manner in which the offer was made, feels compelled to decline the honour. [The .Daily News mentions "Mr. Crowder as the probable successor of Mr. Justice Taffourd."] We are enabled to state that despatches have been forwarded to New- foundland conceding the demands for responsible government, and inform- ing the colonists that the island will be put upon the same footing as Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.-Daily News.
After a. final examination, yesterday, Adolphus Harrison, alias Feichtal, and Alexandre Desaux, the fetcher of Madame Denis, were committed to take their trial for the charges arising out of the case of the Belgian girl, Alice Leroy. The Westminster Magistrate refused to take bail.