The Panopticon.
The Saracenie building which has for some considerable while been an object of curiosity and attraction to the passenger through Leicester Square, opened to private view on......
Military Gazette. Office Or Ordnance, March 14.—royal...
Lieut. G. H. A. Forbes to be Sec. Capt. vice Robertson, retired on half-pay; Sec. Lieut. C. G. John- son to be First Lieut. vice Forbes; First Lieut. C. Hunter to be Sec. Capt.......
In A A D S.
THE NATIONAL INSTITUTION. It is a pleasure to announce a gathering of pictures at the Portland Gallery which shows sonic decided degree of revival from the morbid stupor of the......
The Pantheon Gallery.
A new lot of pictures covers the much-suffering walls of the Pantheon Gallery : but this time it is a collection by no means destitute of interest, and comprising some works......
On the 8th March, at Bath, Lady Wade, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Stonehouse, Devon, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Errington, Fifty-first (K. 0.) Light Infantry, of a son. On......