On the 8th March, at Bath, Lady Wade, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Stonehouse, Devon, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Errington, Fifty-first (K. 0.) Light Infantry, of a son. On the 12th, in Cavendish Square, the Lady John Manners, of a daughter. On the 12th, the Wife of the Rev. John Oates, M.A., senior Curate of Scarborough, of a son.
On the 13th, at Wymondham Rectory, Leicestershire, the Hon. Mrs. John Beres- ford, of a son. On the 13th, at Downham Rectory, Cambridgeshire, the Wife of the Rey. Frede- rick Fisher, of a daughter.
On the 4th March, at Duisburg, in Rhenish Prussia, E. T. Dundee, Esq.. of Manor. N. B., to Everilda, third daughter of the Rev. Mordaunt Barnard, Rector of Little Bardfield, Essex. On the 9th, at Burlingham St. Edmond, Norfolk, Dixon Edward Hosts, Captain Royal Artillery, son of the late Sir George Hoste, K.C.B., Colonel Royal Engineers, to Jane Mary, daughter of the Rev. Jeremiah Burroughes, Rector of Burliugham. On the 10th, at Egg Buckland Church, Sir William Norris Young, Bart., of Mar- low Park, Bucks, of the Twenty-third Royal Welsh Fusiliers, to Florence, second daughter of Eri ing Clarke. Esq., of Efford Manor, near Plymouth. On the 11th, at Christ Church, St. Diarjlebone, John D'Urban, Esq., of Bedford Row, to Maria Charlotte, eldest daughter of Thomas Sidney Cooper, Esq., of Dorset Square, A.R.A.
On the 8th March, by an accidental explosion when superintending the blasting of the root of a tree with gunpowder, First Lieutenant William Cunningham Sy- monds, of the Royal Marines, youngest son of Rear-Admiral Symonds, of Yeatton House, near Lymington, Hants.
On the 9th, in Theresa Terrace, Hammersmith, the Rev. George Chisholm, D.D., Perpetual Curate of St. Peter's, Hammersmith, and Rector of Ashmole, Dorset; in his 58th year. On the 9th, at St. Mary's College, St. Andrew's, the Very Rev. Robert Haldane, D.D., F.R.S.E., Principal of St. Mary's College, and Primarius Professor of Divinity in the University, and first minister of the parish of St. Andrew's.
On the 9th, at Kentisbeare Rectory, Devon, the Rev. R. A. Roberts. Rector of Kentisheare; in his 55th year. On the 10th, at Bedwelty House, Monmouthshire, William Thompson, Esq., M.P., of Underley Hall, Westmoreland, and Penytlarran House, Glamorganehire, President of Christ's Hospital, senior Alderman of the City of London, and Colonel of the Royal London Militia; in his 62d year.
On the 11th, at Hastings, the Rev. Thomas Bourdillon, formerly Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and for fifty years Vicar of Fenstanton-cum-Hilton, Hunts; in his 82d year. On the 12th, at King's College, Aberdeen, Dr. Hugh Macpherson, Sub-Principal, and for sixty-one years Professor in that University; in his 87th year.
On the 13th, at Netley, Salop, John Thomas Hope, Esq. ; in his 93d year. On the 13th, at Stafford, Sir Thomas Noon Talleurd. D.C.L. ; in his 58th year. On the 13th, at Bishop Stortford, Mrs. Mary Lord; in her 94th year. On the 14th, in Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, John Crosby. Esq., formerly of H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth; in his 924 year. On the 15th, at the Castle Priory, Wallingfced, Thomas Duffield, Esq., the High Steward of the borough, and Magistrate of the county of Berke; in his 72d year.