18 MARCH 1854, page 14

Shocking Occurrence In High Life.

ACCORDING to a current rumour, repeated with as much regret as amusement, a serious calamity has befallen one of our most leading statesmen : an incubus has fastened on him. It......

A Return Just Issued Carries The Statistics Of Railway...

to the 31st of last December. In the half-year ending that day, 157 persons were killed and 258 wounded : 26 passengers were killed and 166 hurt from causes beyond their own......

Ireland In America.

A Taevor.Lee. in the Western part of Ireland reports that the Cel- tic race is rapidly disappearing from its own peculiar province. For miles and miles not a trace of......

Death's Latest Guests.

PERHAPS Death has not recently been busier than usual, but he has made his hand unusually visible, by cutting off those who stood conspicuous among us in many ways. Men who are......