A return just issued carries the statistics of railway accidents
to the 31st of last December. In the half-year ending that day, 157 persons were killed and 258 wounded : 26 passengers were killed and 166 hurt from causes beyond their own control; 14 perished from their own misconduct or incautiousness; while 23 railway employes died from causes beyond their own control, 53 were the victims of their own misconduct or want of cau- tion 41 persons were killed by trespassing on railways. At the end of the year there were 7686 miles of railway opened in the United Kingdom..- For the half-year ending 31st October last there were 2200 accidents from machinery in factories, twenty-one of Which were fatal. Inspector Homer states that a large proportion of the accidents were very trifling.
The Irish workhouses had above 1000 acres of land under cultivation at Michaelmas last, either wholly or partially, by the boys in the workhouses: the number of boys so employed being 3783; and 31961 boys were instructed in trades, as tailors, shoemakers, and the like. The whole number of boys (between the ages of nine and fifteen) in the workhouses was 12820, of girls, 14,273. Of the girls 9166 were under industrial training. The-instsuction occupies four or five hours a day. During the preceding year above 5000 boys and girls obtained employment outside their workhouses,