foreign intelligence likely to influence prices, the Eng- lish Funds have exhibited great steadiness this week. Up to Wednesday afternoon, Consols had only ranged between 91# and 91. Yesterday, upon the settlement of the account, a scarcity of Stock was experienced ; but an increased demand for money, which has now prevailed for several days, caused a temporary decline to 90#, leaving off at soh- 1. The new French Loan of ten millions, announced on Saturday, has been frequently discussed : it is quoted at 1 to 1 premium here, and in Paris at 1 premium. The appli- cations for the loan have been numerous, particularly in the latter city. There are, however, many who prefer waiting until the latest period, (the 24th instant,) because a sudden decline in Consols or French Routes would probably send down the new stock to par or below. The Three per Cents, it is believed, will be most in request, it being a lighter stock than the Four- and-a-half per Cents, and likely to produce greater speculation. The prices of both were in the first instance framed so as to bring them, after calculating interest and commission to the agents, nearly 21 per cent (2.40) under the closing quotations at the Bourse on Friday last. A notice has been posted in the Stock Exchange, that applications can be made at Messrs. C. Devaux and Co.'s, 62 King William Street; at Messrs. J. Hutchinson and Son's, 39 Lothbury ; and at Mr. T. Uzielles, 23 Threadneedle Street. A commission of I per cent will be charged on the amount allotted. The Four-and-a-half per Cents will be issued at 92f. 50c. with interest from the 22d of March, and the Three per Cents at 65f. 25c. with interest from the 22d of Decem- ber last. One-tenth payable on subscribing ; the balance in fifteen monthly instalments : no discount will be allowed to subscribers of more than 1000f. Rentes on prepayment. The rumours in Paris and Vienna, on the one hand that the Emperor of Russia was inclined to moderate his views, on the other that martial law is proclaimed at St. Petersburg and the Baltic Pro- vinces, have had no effect on the Funds. The accounts from the Paris Bourse were more favourable early in the week ; latterly lower prices have ruled. The rate of exchange continues very flat ; but there is hope of an im- provement, owing to the large remittances of specie recently made from London, and of which there is at present no abatement. Large sums are daily drawn from the Bank of England for this purpose, including upwards of 150,0001. on Wednesday ; and yesterday the amount was believed to be 300,0001. From Vienna and Amsterdam the accounts are more favourable.
The discounts at the Bank of England in connexion with the demand for money have been considerable this week. At the meeting of Bank Stock Proprietors yesterday, the dividend declared was at the increased rate of 4i per cent for the half-year ; which, however, must be confirmed by ballot. The net profits for six months ending the 28th February last amounted to 670,9081., and the rest to 3,685,4661.; after allowing for the dividend it would be 3,030,58L The favourable result of late banking operations was the reason of the increased dividend ; but the Governor stated that the pro- prietors must not depend upon its continuance as the Securities have de- clined, and the increased Income-tax would also be against them, the Bank holding Terminable Annuities to some extent.
Today, the Funds have been rather heavy ; and Consols for Money have been once at 901, and afterwards at 91, closing at sog # for Money and 904 for Account. Money is still in demand ; and Exchequer Bills which are generally affected on such occasions, have declined 48. this week.
In Foreign Stocks, the transactions have been unimportant : the leading securities generally have ruled at last week's quotations. Peruvian Four- and-a-half, and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, are 2, and the Five per Cents 1 lower ; Portuguese Four per Cents are 1, and Spanish Three per Cents 4 better. Notice has been given respecting Brazilian Five per Cents of 1824 and 1825 that require fresh Coupons, that the new issue for ten years, at the same interest, will be given by the agents, on producing the bonds. For Continental Bondholders, a delivery of Coupons will be made at Hamburg, Amsterdam, and Frankfort. The Sardinian estimates for 1855' show a deficiency of about 400,000/., and for the current year about 1,000,0001.; on account of which, the proposed loan of about a million and a half sterling is required.
Railways have been rather dull, and the amount of business limited. The settlement of the account took place on Tuesday ; lower prices then. prevailed, and continued up to last evening, when the difference in some ef, the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase-London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1/. 108. ; Aberdeen, 15s. Decrease-Midland, 1/. 2s. 6d.; Great Western, London and North-Western, Norfolk, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11.; Great Northern, and York and North Midland, 10s.' Caledonian, 5.s. In Foreign Shares there has been little doing. Western of France has improved 10s. ; and Luxembourg, Na- mur, and Liege, and Paris and Lyons, have fallen 58. Today the English. lines are from 5s. to 108. lower in several canes; in Foreign, little alteration has occurred.
SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The English Funds are lower this morning : Consuls have been done at 904; they are now 94 for Money and 901 J for Account. Exchequer Bills 8 12. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 512,2181.; the amount, although large, has been in a great measure anti- cipated. In Foreign Stocks no change has occurred. Railways are still weak ; the present bargains are these-Aberdeen, 22i ; Caledonian, 54; Great Western, 761, Lancashire and Yorkshire, 62k; London and North- Western 100; Midland, 59; South-Eastern, 62; York & North Midland, 47.
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 74 7 66 7 85 7 Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 41 per Cents 6
2t i
Ditto 3 per Cents 46 8 Portuguese 4 per Cents 35 7 Russian 5 per Cents 88 90 Ditto 41 per Cents ...... 79
Spanish 3 per Cents 361
Ditto Deferred 18 4 Sardinian Spar Cents 78 80 Swedish 4 per Cents 827
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities
Bank Stock
Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 4/ per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents 901 i 4 shut shut shut shut 8 12 233 6 75 8 97 97 9 85 90 100 3 947