The musical occurrence of the week has been the performance of Elijah at St. Martin's Hall, under the direction of Mr. Hullah. The at- traction of this oratorio—second only to the Messiah in the favour of the English public—filled the hall to overflow on Wednesday evening ; and the success of its performance, the most arduous effort that Mr. Hullah has yet made, completely established the rising reputation of his choral concerts. Mr. Weiss, in the character of the Prophet, showed greatness of conception as well as vocal power ; in the principal tenor part, the effect of Mr. Augustus Braham's fine voice was heightened by his ani- mated and emphatic declamation ; and the other solo parts were well sung by Miss Dolby, Mrs. Endcrsohn, and Madame Weiss. The cho- ruses were admirable—accurate in time and tune, and full of variety in their expression and effect. The audience showed their delight by the warmth of their applause ; and it is evident that Elfjah will draw crowds to St. Martin's Hall as often as it is repeated.