Tuesday, March. 14.
PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvEn.-Edge and Crosby, Salford, surgeons -Batton and Stott, Warrington, glass-manufacturers-Perkin and Hulme, Leek, Staffordshire, silk-throwsters-Sales and Co. Itedcross Street, Cripplegate, tobacconists; as far as regards R. Smith-Joyes and Philps, Dorking, tailors-Stewart and Pitt, Birming- ham, gun-makers-Lynch and Butterworth, Cheetham Hill, chemists-Ashworth and Co. Lisbon, merchants; as far as regards E. and T. Rawstron-J. and J. Ing- ham, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, flock-dealers-Eyre and Co. Derby, silk-throwsters- Walter and Gosling, Brompton, auctioneers-Musgrave and Wood, Leeds, flax- spinners-R. and A. H. Burn, Epsom, ironmongers-Beardmore and Co. Longton, Staffordshire Potteries, manufacturers of earthenware; as far as regards T. Beard- more-Turner and Co. Tividale, Staffordshire, butty-colliers-Dye and Taylor, East Dereham, Norfolk, plumbers-Kershaw and Brothers, Stalyhndge, plumbers; as far as regards W. Kershaw-G. and T. Pilkington, Accrington, carriers-E. E. and W. Finlayson, Cheltenham, music-sellers- Hawkins and Williams, Lisle Street, saddlers'-ironmongers-Hunter and Paterson, Edinburgh, cloth-merchants.
BarraeoPrs.-JosErn GOBLE, Shoreham, miller, to surrender March 22, April 26: solicitor, Edmunds, South Square, Gray's Inn; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basing- hall Street-MAX GUGENHEIIIER, otherwise MAXIMILIAN GUGENHEIMER, Alderman- bury, importer of foreign goods, March 21, April 26 : solicitors, Sole and Co. Alder- manbury ; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street- ALFRED Foam Lowndes Street, Belgrave Square, surgeon, March 22, April 26: so- licitors, Smiths, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street -Mauer MEADOWS, Wellingborough, druggist, March 24, April 25: solicitors, Ros- coe, King Street, Finsbury; Cook, Wellingborough ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-WiLuAm HENRY COOPER, Great James Street, Bedford Row, up- holsterer, March 21, April 21: solicitors, Parker and Co. Bedford Row; Sole and Co. Aldermanbury; official assignee, Lee, Moorea te Street- WILLIAM HOUGHTON, Kennington Oval, victualler, March 23, April 20 : solicitor, Lloyd, Milk Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-THomas LONG, Londou Road, South- wark, borse-dealer, March 18, May 1: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-JOSEPH HEAD, Exeter, silversmith, March 23, April 20: solicitors, Bishop and Pitts, Exeter ; official as- signee, Hirtzel, Exeter.
DIVIDENDS.-April 4, Richardson and Co. Upper Queen's Buildings, Brompton, upholsterers-April 4, Cox, Great Queen Street, plane-manufacturer-April 4, Bel- bin, Beaumont Street, Marylehone, coach-builder-April 6, Read, Hart Street, Blooms- bury, victualler-April 5, Martyn, Aldgate Street, woollen-draper-April 5, Ugh, New Windsor, wine-merchant-April 13, Crosfield, Lanwonne, Glamorganshire, brewer -April 13, Ashman, Yeovil, currier.
CEauricATE5.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-April 5, Baynes, Nottingham, laceman-April 4, Tilbury jun. Gloucester Place, New Road, coach-maker-April 4, Bowditch, Exeter, grocer-April 5, Bird, Lee, Kent, baker-April 6, Watson, Liverpool, broker-April 6, Riley, Liverpool, commission-merchant-April 6, Warhurst, Leigh, Lancashire, ironmonger. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Wills, Portsea, trader ; second div. of lid. Wed- nesday next, and two subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, SS oorgate Street-Brennand, Addle Street, warehouseman; first div. of 9d. Wednesday next, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, kloorgate Street-G. and T. Hart, Union Street, Southwark, trimming-manufacturers; final div. of lid. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Avison, Leeds, stone-merchant ; first div. of Is. any day; Young, Leeds - Fenton and Co. Leeds, engineers ; second div. of 4s. any day ; Young, Leeds - Ack- royd, Bradford, worsted-spinner ; second div. of 2d. any day; Young, Leeds-Crutz, Liverpool, slater; first div. of 7s. 104. Thursday next, or any Thursday ; Cazenoee, Liverpool-Cross, Chester, lead-merchant ; div. of ls. 5d. on new proofs, any Thurs- day ; Cazenove. Liverpool - Gray. Chester, iron-founder ; first div. of 20s. on the se- parate estate, any Thursday ; Cazenove, Liverpool.
Scar= Ssaunts-rnArroxs.-11•Donell, Baillieston, Lanarkshire, draper, March 23 - Buchanan, Glasgow, dealer in shares, March 28-Cochrane, Glasgow, manufacturer, March 22-Dustan and Steven, Glasgow, merchants, March 23.
Friday, Harsh 17.
PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvEm-Dickson and Co. Wellington, Salop, railway-con- tractors; as far as regards C. MKenzie-Dickson and M.Kenzie, Wellington, Salop, and Co. Sheffield, pawnbrokers-Rostern and Bol- ling-worth, Manchester, gingham-manufacturers-Shaw and Sons, Almendbury, grocers; as far as regards H. and T. Shaw-Pegg and Simmons, Nottingham, brass- founders-Ullathorne and Co. Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, flax-spinners; as far as regards 0. Longstaff sen.-A. and H. Langsford, Exeter, milliners-Coe and Co. Manchester, woollen-merchants ; as far as regards J. Coe-Finch and Co. West Street, West Smithfield-Hallam and Spikes, Birmingham, grocers-Robson and Crondace, Sunderland, merchants-Deaville and Baddeley, Hanley, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufacturers-T. and T. Thorne, Bristol, coal-merchants -Perry and Bleed, Wolverhampton, schoolmistresses-Scott and Edwards, Southampton Build- ings, solicitors-Penfold sen. and Co. Southampton Row, Russell Square, hosiers- Wickham and Yelland, Strand, news-agents-Pantin and Turner, West Smithfield, brush-manufacturers-Abbott and Wright, Needham Market, Suffolk, ironmongers -G. and J. Horrocks, Pilkington, Lancashire, power-loom shuttle-makers-Halli- day and Co. Northowram, Halifax, brick-manufacturers.
BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-TuomAs GATELEY, Derby, iron-merchant.
BANICRUpTS.-TaGmAs COLTER, High Holborn, victualler, to surrender March 28, April 27: solicitors, Martineau and Reid, Gray's Inn; official assignee, Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings-THomAs BURROW= Moss, Little Tower Street, tea-dealer, March 24, April 28 : solicitor, Moss, Queen Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Can- ner], Aldermanbury-CHARLEs FERGUSON, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, draper, March 24, April 28: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aide' manbury ; Longmore and Co. Hereford; offi- cial assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Malty PARKES, Golden Square, printer, April 4, May 2: solicitor, Cole, Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-WILLIAM Forums, Birmingham, stationer, April 5, 26: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Jonx HUNTER, Pauly, Staffordshire, tape-manufacturer, April 1, 29: solicitor, Hodgson. Birmingham; offi- cial assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-JOHN SYMMONS, Bristol, cut-nail-manufac- turer, March 30, April 25: solicitor, Crosby, Bristol; officialassig,nee, Hutton, Bristol- JOHN DaiseoLL, Cardiff, potato-merchant, March 29, April 26: solicitor, Bird, Cardiff; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-JAmrs MArruLts, Swansea, linen-draper, March 29, April 26: solicitors, Leman and Humphreys, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-WILLIAM DUNCAN, Hull, grocer, April 5, May 3: solicitors, Rich- ardson and Lee, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-JAZIEs SHAxxow, Liverpool, linen-draper, March 29, April 19: solicitor, Bretherton, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-WILLIAm Amps, Liverpool, slater, March 80, April 28 : soli- citor, Conway, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-JAmEs Hennes, Bir- kenhead, coal-merchant, March 30, April 28: solicitor, Hough, Carlisle; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-Jony FRATEIt, Manchester, brewer, March 28, April 23: solicitors, Richardson, Bolton-le-Moors ; Cobbett and Wheeler, Manchester; offi- cial assignee, Putt, Manchester.
DP1IDENDS.-April 10, Corby, Lower Eaton Street, Pimlico. builder-April 10, Butler, Ludgate Hill, stationer-April 8, Clay, Ironmonger Lane, woollen-ware- houseman-April 10, Braun, Old Fish Street Hill, importer of foreign glass-April 7, Franks, Blackfriars Road, surgeon-April 7, Parry and Underwood, Change Alley, bill-brokers-April 7, Luckin, High Holborn, bootmaker-April 7, Robins, London Wall, carrier-April 7, Stevens, Abchurch Lane, merchant-April 7, Pearce, Southborough, Rent, dealer-April 11, R. and J. M. Spenceley, Wapping, sail- makers-April 13, Sadler, Vere Street, Clare Market, tallow-chandler-April 11, Allen, Bristol, chemist-April 6, Fisher, Gloucester, currier-April 8, Clarke, Sheffield, builder-April 13, Griffith,, Birmingham, tailor-April 13, H. and T. T. James, Bushell, Staffordshire, millers-April 8, Bennett, Birmingham, victualler- April 7, Love and Keys, Liverpool, looking-glass-manufacturers.
CERTIFICATES.-TO be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-April 7, J. and J. Smith, Brighton, stationers-April 7, Green, Stoke by Nayland. Suffolk, baker-April 8, J. and J. F. Hodges, New Bond Street, hosiers- April 7, Charlton, Basingstoke, grocer-April 19, Allen, Bristol, chemist-April 10, Hesketh, Blackburn, cotton-manufacturer-April 10, M'Colm, Manchester, waste- dealer-April 8, Milner, Doncaster, hatter-April 26, Osborne, Kidderminster, tailor. DECLARATIONS OF Divinxiens.-Richardson, Lombard Street, merchant; first div. of 2s. 24. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Baeinghali Street-Bolt, Birmingham, silversmith; first div. of 3d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Tomlinson, Manchester, publican; first and final div. of 4a.
any Tuesday ; Hemaman, Manchester.
SCOTCH S4QUESTRATIONS.-Wilson, Glasgow, calenderer, March 27-Stewart jun. Glasgow, writer, March 30-DI'Laren and Co. Glasgow, ship-carpenters, March 28,