As we go to press on Thursday afternoon comes the
news that the Dutch liner Tubantia,' 14,000 tons, has been torpedoed near the North Hinder lightship off the coast of Holland. AR the passengers were saved in boats. It is perhaps not inappro- priate that with this news comes a telegram from Holland containing a statement, declared to be ." Berlin official," that Grand-Admiral von Tirpitz has resigned, and has been succeeded by Admiral von Capelle, the Under-Secretary of the_ Navy. A German " wireless " further states that the resignation is much commented on. " In some quarters it is believed that his resignation is connected with the Emperor's decision not to extend submarine warfare beyond the limits announced to neutrals in the Memorandum [on the torpedoing of ai med merchant ships of the belligerents] and not to direct it against neutral ships." A Hague telegram adds that the resignation of Admiral von Tirpitz came as a thunderbolt in Germany, and is regarded as a national misfortune. Another statement is that
the Admiral is really ill, and suffering from overwork. ,