Prohibition: A Lead From Seattle.
[To THE EDITOR 01 THE " SPECTATOR.") Sre,—Your fight for human efficiency and preventing of human wastage on account of the drink habit excites a sympathetic interest among your......
Economy Through Education. [to The Eenroa Or Tee "...
Sin,—An article in the Spectator of February 26th, under the title of " The Cost of Education," recommends the abolition of evening schools. A much more economical course would......
Conscientious Objectors. [to Ter Editor Op The...
" conscientious objector " for twenty years, freed from sectarian trammels by the war, I would urge Mr. Armstrong to open his mind to the whole teaching of the Lord. He will......
Justice And Security.
[To THE EDITOR 01 THE S11.0111'0E-1 SIE,—I have read with interest your article on " Justice and Security " as summarizing Mr. Asquith's declarations regarding the conditions of......