18 MARCH 1916, page 12

The Indignity Of Lab Our.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPROTATOR.1 Sra,—I have read with the greatest interest the article by " A Student in Arms " on " The Indignity of Labour " in your number of March 4th.......

Conscientious Objectors. [to Ter Editor Op The...

" conscientious objector " for twenty years, freed from sectarian trammels by the war, I would urge Mr. Armstrong to open his mind to the whole teaching of the Lord. He will......

A Question And An Answer. [to Ter Editor Op The

" 8rscrercat."] fiut,—I heartily agree with you that to establish the historical accuracy of the " Message to the Six Nations," which you printed in your issue of the 20th ult.,......

[to Ter Editor Of The " Spectator."] Sir, —like Your...

" A Student in Arms," I also have experienced the joys and sorrows of a private, an N.C.O., and a commissioned officer. Surely the bond which exists between officers and men in......