The Navy and Army Estimates were published on Tuesday. The
Navy asks for £64,883,700, as compared with £82,479,000 last year. The Army asks for £62,300,000, as against £77,815,000. The Vote for the Air Service will, it is thought, be reduced from £18,411,000 to about £10,500,000. Including the Civil Service Estimates and £370,000,000 for the Consolidated Fund—most of which is for the service of the Debt—we thus have a total expenditure of £891,235,348 for the coming financial year. In his last Budget Mr. Chamberlain estimated for an expenditure of £1,039,728,000. The reduction contemplated is thus about £148,000,000. But the last Budget included post- War outlays which will not, or should not, be repeated.