Poets And Poetry.
POEMS (SECOND SERIES).* IF, which heaven forbid ! we had to characterize with a single word the mental attitudes of poets, that word in the case of Mr. Squire would certainly be......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does fait nerrssarily preclude subsequent review.) A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. By J. W. Mellor. 2 vols. (Longmans.......
Unpopular Opinions. By Harold Owen. (erskine Macdonald....
has reprinted from the Yorkshire Post a series of plain-spoken articles on the faults and follies of the Coalition Ministry. To these he has prefixed a caustic preface on......
The Transactions Of The Grotius Society For 1921 (sweet And
Maxwell. 8s. 6d. net) include tributes to the late Henry Goudy, Sir John Macdonell and Lord Reay, and, among other papers, an instructive essay by Professor Bellot on "The Right......
The Times Of India Published With Its Illustrated Weekly...
of February 8th, coinciding with the Prince of Wales's visit to Delhi, a handsome illustrated supplement entitled "The Indian Viceroyalty, 1858-1921." The principal article, by......