The Big Four.
Mu. LANSING has written an interesting little book on The Big Four and Others of the Peace Conference (Hutchinson, 8s. 6d. net) —the others being M. Venizelos, the Emir Feisul,......
The Round Table.
Tail Round Table for March (Macmillan, 5s. net) is a particularly interesting number, which may be commended to serious students of politics. It opens with "A Programme for the......
The Rirr Valleys Of East Africa.
PROFESSOR J. W. GREGORY set all geologists by the ears when, after a memorable journey of exploration in East Africa, he enunciated his theory of the Great Rift Valley—extending......
The Progress Of Language.* It Is Difficult To Do Justice
in a short space to Professor Jesper- sen's many qualities, chief among which we would place, not his erudition, vast as it is, but the lively imagination with which he plays......
The Great Houses.*
MR. AVRAY TIPPING has had the delightful task in preparing the first volume of English Homes: Period V., of exploring, picturing and describing some of the very finest of the......