Wine of the Week
You would expect Raymond Postgate to have the right idea, and I was interested to see what he would serve at the six o'clock party to celebrate the union between his Good Food Club (and Guide) and the Consumers' Association --the most important event in British cater- ing since Alfred burned the cakes. It couldn't have been better—no cocktails, but a sound fino sherry and two light and fresh young wines, red and white: a 1959 Kreuznacher Riesling and a 1959 Beaujolais, just the things to cheer but not inebriate at the end of a working day. The Beaujolais was charming, but it is the Kreuz- nacher I make my wine of the week: it comes from the Nahe, which runs between the Rhine and the Mosel and into the Rhine at Bingen, and Nahe wines are especially fresh and fruity, without being sweet, and smell delicious-Schloss Bockelheim is the other well-known and pretty wine of the district. Harvey's excellent list of no fewer than ten Nahe wines includes eight Kreuznachers, from 12s. 9d. a bottle to more than twice as much. It would make a pleasant summer weekend's chore to choose between