18 MAY 1962, page 14

Ste,—nicolas Walter Maintains That The Pro- Gramme...

I edited, was 'misleading and irrelevant' because none of the speakers were anti-American. By this argument, any programme on anti-Semitism which did not present the views of an......

The Alternative Vote

SIR, —Miss Lakeman states the case for proportional . representation and everybody knows that it is a very respectable case. But my concern at the moment is not so much with the......

Mexico : 1962

Sin,--1 am sorry that His Excellency the Mexican Ambassador does not agree with my estimate of the Mexican press. I'm not clear as to what other points he challenges in my......

Welcome To Britain

SIR, —After crossing French, Belgian and Dutch borders during a short visit to the Continent with absolutely no fuss this is what my re-entry into England, which is now my home,......

Prayers For Animals

SIR,—I am anxious to find some prayers and bless- ings for animals (in general or in particular) and also some prayers for our own right relation to animals: prayers and......

The Canadian Election

91i¢,—Miriam Chapin in 'The Canadian Election' naively proposes that the Liberals lost their hold on Quebec in the 1958 Federal election because Premier Duplessis 'ordered his......

Liberals And The Future

SIR,—Mr. Angus Maude's brilliant analysis of the present political situation in this country hits every nail upon the head. What the electorate wants is neither Conservatism nor......

Sie,—a Paragraph In 'spectator's Notebook' On May 11...

laCk of candour on the part of the Trustees of the Westminster Memorial Trust because it alleges that Moral Re-Armament is not mentioned in a letter to residents in Westminster......

New Men In The Town Hall

SIR,—The dangers of the introduction of politics into local government may not be apparent to the recently-elected councillors until after a year or so in office. Local......

The Uncertain Smile Of Australia

SIR,—One of the troubles with compressing a book- length subject into an article is the case with which one can be misunderstood. I did not mean to imply that all State Labour......