18 MAY 1962, page 22


The Side of Angels and Dirt BY JOHN M OR I IM ER T OD AY the quality of innocence eludes as it attracts us. We continually pursue the child- like, the naïve and the simplified......

Hitler Vs. History

Hitler's Secret Book. Translated by Salvator Attanasio. (Evergreen Books, 25s.) DISCOVERED among the captured German docu- ments in Washington, this characteristic outpour- ing......

Cloak And Bladder

Was Cicero. By Elycsa Bazna in collaboration with Hans Nogly. Translated by Eric Mos- bacher. (Deutsch, 15s.) CICERO, as all the world knows, was valet to the British Ambassador......


The Duchess of Dino. By Philip Ziegler. (Collins, 28s.) THIS is a book to be commended, but with strict reservations about to whom it is commended. 'Her eyes "burning with an......