Country Life
At the very lively and suggestive National Conference of the C,P.R.E., held at the Welwyn Garden City last week, few of the small speeches and suggestions were more popular than a literary suggestion put forward with lively humour by Lady Chambers. She asked for a good Saxon word or two which could be thrown at anyone who left rubbish behind him. Her view is that if you can popularize a phrase (such as tell-tale-tit In schools) it would be hurled at all offenders and do infinite good. She will not find a better phrase than her own : " Litter Lout " has quite the right ring ; and if she wants doggerel as well, the following Mc facet may serve : " Here lies the latest Litter Lout Who left his nasty stuff about. Now we have put him in his grave, Our pleasant land we hope to save. Should others come, the folk will shout
You Litter Lout, you Litter Lout : We'll tuck you in a tidy grave,
And that will teach you to behave.' "
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